What is wrong with Ryan Culberson on Real Housewives of Orange County? There was a winter wonderland party at Vicki Gunvalson's house where Ryan (Vicki's son-in-law) lives with Vicki's daughter Brianna. Lydia McLaughlin who is one of the reality stars asked her mother Judy to attend Vicki's party. Judy was verbally attacked by Ryan for propping her feet up on the couch. We could hear the dialog but could not see the interaction of the parties. Judy refers to herself as a "stoner", and is a product of the hippie days. She does not mind admitting that she still enjoys living in the land of bunnies with a whiff of weed from time to time. How bad could a woman be that uses "fairy dust" to wish people good luck?
A few months ago I saw fairy dust sold in a quaint little shop in Boston. Fairy dust is not cheap, and a sprinkle of it on your friends could either make your friends very happy, or question your mental stabilty.
Judy is a beautiful 64 year old woman who is very sweet and calm. Her prescription for life might make us all a lot calmer. I really like this woman, and was appalled to hear Ryan spewing nasty words at her. Judy did ask who he was which really made him hit the ceiling. I do not know what is wrong with this guy who is a marine and is serving in Afghanistan. However, I do not believe he will be with Brianna much longer. Ryan and Brianna have a beautiful baby boy, but if this guy does not get his temper under control he looks threatening to his wife and child. He has already been divorced at his young age, and it would be helpful to Brianna to find out if he has had previous anger issues.
Meanwhile Ryan and Brianna have been dictating who Vicki can date. They live in her house but try to run her life using the "grandchild card". If they dislike something they tell her they will move out, and she will not have daily contact with her grandchild as she does now. Ryan is paranoid and believes Vicki's house is in enemy territory. He views himself as the protector of the home. Brianna should insist that he is evaluated and gets help. It is admirable that he is serving in the military, but a disgrace to treat any woman in such a crude way and inappropriate way.
Staged or not it makes me thankful for a sometimes uneventful day. :) Maybe a little fairy dust would be a good thing.