Her family had this to say:
Laura Elizabeth McCracken - Dec 23, 1976 – April 11, 2014
"We have lost the beautiful and mystically wonderful Laura. On Friday, the seven year battle she has fought against the demon cancer came to a peaceful and painless end.
I will remember my dear daughter as the young lady that could talk to animals. My favorite memory, among many, was when she sat down under a tree and chipmunks came out of the underbrush and climbed into her lap.
I am reminding myself that we almost lost her when she was originally diagnosed with stage 4-D lung cancer and given four months to life. We had her for an extra 7 years. I believe that the last 7 years were the happiest of her life. She never stopped smiling and she never stopped fighting.
When told that the chemo she would originally have to endure was only 10% effective, she looked the oncologist in the eye and said “someone has to be in that 10% and I am going to be.”
As a child, when she first started to talk she could not say L’s or R’s, so her she called herself “Wawa”. It is impossible to describe how much we will miss Wawa’s glorious attitude and energy. Everyone that knew her was blessed by having been a part of her life.
The attached photo was taken the day she got married to Trey Smith, this past June. This is the way we should always remember the physical Wawa. The spiritual Wawa was even more beautiful."
~ Laurin McCracken, her Dad