You need to be more aggressive and put up the best fight you can. Remember before bullying was trending, children would pick on you at school. I was so incredibly shy, but my parents would say if you don't fight back it will get worse. That happens in real life too. The coward may try to strip you, humiliate you and leave you hypothetically laying by the roadside.
Now we are adults and people may still bully us. Why? I think sometimes it is because we are women, and men may try to take advantage. One of my neighbors turned me into the city for illegal watering. If he had asked I would have told him that my sprinkler system has been off for several months. I had to go to a seedy office in my city and sign a citation because they cut off your water in 5 days. Then you must pay a fine for up to $2000. I spent several hundred dollars to have the sprinkler company give me an ok on the system and verify no leaks. The next step is to talk to a prosecutor and see a judge to determine the charges. The frustrating thing is I did nothing. It appears that the alley gets runoff after a rain and with seepage it gives the effect of watering. The attorney said I could probably clear the violation myself, but I hired him which is another $150. I had to be off work and spend money all because a neighbor preferred to be a coward and interrupt my life. Sometimes life does not seem fair. In the middle of this I had two medical procedures and instead of resting I tended to this issue. I also deal daily with an ailing 98 year old mother. Did my neighbor ever think of my circumstances? Of course not and I'm a single woman just trying to work and mind my own business
Some would disagree, but I would say be patient because when you least expect it things will turn around and take care of you? Christians will believe God had a hand. Others may say it's karma, but ladies I'm living proof that with prayer and possible guardian angels like my dad things will get better when you least it expect it. What happens to these devious people is not my concern, but just have faith and you will be rewarded. Your friends will guide and support you. Thanks to my two best friends Carol and John who are always there for me.